Folding at Home (FaH) is a project to use Compute resources for Good. Basically you “donate” your spare CPU cycles to run complex processes help with Science research. In this post I will give a quick walk through on how to get up and running on a DietPi VM on ESXI on ARM.
If you read my previous post. I walked you through setting up DietPi on ESXi on ARM. Well, thanks to an update from Folding at Home and DietPi you can now run Folding at Home on ARM PCs. As of this writing this feature is only available on the Beta channel. Full Details Here You will need to update the OS and then install the DietPi package on your machine. Here is a quick walk-through.

First SSH or open a console on your machine. You will need to modify the /boot/dietpi.txt file to change your Branch to the Beta Branch. Open the file and navigate to the bottom. I suggest opening it using

    sudo nano /boot/dietpi.txt

Find the line near the bottom. You will need to change:




Now run

    sudo Dietpi-Update

Follow the prompts to run the update. Once it completes you will need to reboot. Once the reboot is completes run:

    sudo DietPi-Software

Search for “Folding At Home” Install the software, and reboot. Once your machine reboots you will have a install of DietPi. Browse to http://Your.Ip.Here:7396/ and configure your install as desired.